Friday, January 6, 2012

BEaUty. Be YOU.

Some years ago my son Trey came up with this idea as a campaign for self-esteem.  The idea is not like the DOVE campaign, not just for young females, who can get into some particularly self-destructive behaviors when they don't feel they fit society's limited definitions of beauty, but for anyone and everyone.  Trey is transgender, and has had many experiences as an outspoken GLBT spokesperson that have either highlighted difficulties with people who - due to society's incredibly effective brainwashing - judge those who don't fit some predefined norm of "beauty", or that highlighted the acceptance and love that can also be out there from people who haven't succumbed to that.

Trey set up a Facebook page called BEaUty. Be YOU, as a public forum for promoting the idea that true beauty is about authentic self-expression, about expressing your inner beauty and your gifts, and not being bound by cultural expectations regarding physical appearance.  We did a sort of contest for a logo, and a friend of mine who is a graphic artist in England "won" the context, so her logo became the page's official logo. The page was quite successful for some time, until Facebook suddenly deleted it for a reason we were never able to find out.

I started it again recently (Louise's logo included :) Here is the link:  Being the technology/social networking person he is, my son just texted me that he and a friend have set up a YouTube channel for BEaUtyBeU, a place for people to post videos about their experiences with this, or about anything that they feel is relevant.  We invite you to post your video on the channel, and to help pass the word that we are ALL beautiful in so many ways!  Here is the YouTube link:

Thank you for your support!


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